October 12, 2024


We Do Health Right

Build Muscle After 50

Build Muscle After 50

Is it possible to build muscle after 50? My short answer, Yes.  Building muscle at any age can be time consuming and take some knowledge of nutrition and working out.  In the story I am about to share he was ready to build muscle after 50 and get in amazing shape.  In only 12 weeks he built muscle and lost fat!! He did all of this at 57 years old

Build Muscle After 50



Weight Day 1- 211.6 – End of 12 Weeks– 180 lbs – Drop Of 31.6 lbs in fat

Stomach– Day 1- 38′ – End Of 12 Weeks–  33.5″

Muscle Built– 3-5 lbs


Allen’s Story

I was an athlete in high school and college and I continued to be committed to fitness after college. I have always been good about getting to the gym to lift weights and do cardio workouts. I was also very good about eating pretty clean. I ate good food and avoided fried foods, sweets, alcohol, etc. I just ate too much of the good food! But I was able to exercise off the extra calories.

Like all of us who age, when I hit 40 it was a little harder to stay in shape. I guess my midlife crisis, so to speak, was when, in my mid 40’s, I began to run both full and half marathons. I ran a lot! This helped me stay fit, but I overdid it and ended up with a couple of back and knee surgeries. I transitioned away from the pounding on the body of long distance running and began to do more indoor and outdoor biking, swimming and HIIT.

Get jacked after 50

When I hit 55 years of age, it was even harder to stay fit. I was learning that you cannot out work too many calories. The year 2020 was bad for the world as COVID hit. I, like many others, put on weight during the year due to COVID lockdowns and restrictions.

But 2020 was really bad for me in another way as I was having significant health issues. I was finally diagnosed with two dAVF’s (Dural arteriovenous fistulas) in my brain. After seeing specialists at Mayo Clinic and Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), it was confirmed I needed a craniotomy and open cerebrovascular surgery.

I had the surgery done at BWH by Dr. Nirav J. Patel, who is a wonderful world class surgeon and an even better person. The surgery was a total success and I returned home and recovered well.

Throughout 2021 I tried to get back in shape but could not make progress. I thought my age had just caught up with me. As a last resort, I searched the web for a program that would fit me. I found Hitch Fit.

I researched the company as well as Micah and Diana and really liked what I found.

I was especially motivated by the variety of programs and the success stories of people in their 50’s and 60’s making significant changes in their body composition.

Build Muscle

So, I said to myself “what have I got to lose?” And I started the program. The weekly check-ins with Micah via email fit me perfectly as they were straightforward and not needlessly overcomplicated. I followed the eating plan to a “T” and was never hungry. The progress was steady; and that progress plus the weekly check-ins kept me motivated.

Now here I am, and older guy, down 30 pounds and feeling great! My back, knees and joints feel so much better not carrying around that extra weight and the clothes in the back of the closet fit once again. Thank you Micah for this program and for your help along the way!


Program Choice: Lose Weight

Best Online Weight Loss Plan

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