February 14, 2025


We Do Health Right

Dinesh Godara, Founder of cultX.fit


It’s no secret that the world economy had to bend to the destructive will of COVID-19 pandemic. And while most businesses were struggling, the global market for physical fitness equipment surged like rockets defying gravity; but the reason for the surge wasn’t rocket science for sure.  As more people were thrusted into the confines of their home, the rise in the number of people opting to work out at home during the pandemic has created a boom for the fitness industry. One brand that enables users to explore and embrace fitness within the comfort of their home is cultX.fit, providing the best in technology for a range of workout formats which users can incorporate without having to step an inch out of their house.

In an exclusive interaction with Dinesh Godara, Founder of cultX.fit let’s understand why the fitness industry is growing rapidly. Excerpts:  

How has the fitness industry evolved with technology?

The fitness industry was only limited to gyms in the earlier days. But with time and technological advancement, people now are only one tap away from feeling good. We have everything from meditations apps to online coaching to fitness apps that help you track your goals and sleep. Be it online training or a podcast for meditation. We also now have sleep stories that help people fall asleep. Along with these, there are also nutrition apps that help you with your diet daily and help you maintain your calories.

With so much information around fitness on the internet, health and fitness awareness has increased widely. Moreover, with the introduction of machine technology, home fitness has also improved over time. You can now see people having gym equipment at home, helping folks work out in their comfort zones. And, with workout videos being shared over the internet, it is easy to understand the working and postures, making it super easy for people to get into the habit of being fit. So, not only has the fitness industry improved, but it has also made accessibility at the tip of the finger enabling people to work out with flexibility.

According to you, how Social Media has redefined the Fitness Industry?

Social Media has changed the way the fitness industry is perceived. While, in the previous time, the exposure was limited to gyms. But now we have more people coming out and sharing their lifestyle or giving hacks and helping out each other. We have trainers, Yoga instructors who come up with their hacks and advice to help each other out. This is how various communities build up people who have a common interest in fitness and have contributed towards awareness and awakening of fitness.

How much has the interest rate of people towards fitness changed since the pandemic?

Well, before the pandemic, yes, people were still interested in fitness. But, since the pandemic, the whole game has changed. The concept of survival of the fittest hit hard, and there was nothing to do but save oneself.

Because of the Pandemic, people had to stay home and were pretty scared to order food online looking at the situation. So, people started cooking the same delicacies at home. They did not even realise that the same exotic dishes could be prepared at home itself. I believe that was the first switch. People began to eat healthily; they started to, in fact, eat only home cooked food. Well, most of them.

Also, because of the pandemic, everyone was home. The physical activities became less and a lot of screen time happened. So, initially, it was a change, it felt nice to stay home for a while, but, with time, it started to get monotonous, and people wanted change. They had time on them mostly to make decisions for themselves, and I guess this is what has made the difference. Following a routine gets more manageable if you work from home, and lifestyle changes happen eventually. Many people found out hacks on healthy eating and lifestyle. People came out on social media spreading information and different ways to beat the pandemic.

This is how the revolution started, and with one face, many others started sharing their stories, and there has been no looking back since then. It’s only multiplied, and today, we have many people encouraging us to take steps towards fitness, and it has been folded twice since then. We have indeed come a long way.

Dinesh Godara, Founder of cultX.fit

© Provided by The Financial Express
Dinesh Godara, Founder of cultX.fit

What is your take on the surging market of at-home fitness equipment?

I am glad that more people are coming forward and taking care of themselves. It is even better to know that home fitness is being encouraged. Because we know that work-life balance can get chaotic many times, but with workouts at home, you can manage your time more efficiently. this is what the aim is, right?. I mean, people have accessibility and time to take some time out for themselves. When you can’t go to the gym, we need to ensure that the gym comes to you. So, yeah, if working from home has become the new normal, then why not working out from home be left behind?. It’s more straightforward, adaptive, and comfortable.

Also, with the pandemic the consumer’s behaviour has shifted towards home fitness. So, it is not very shocking that those numbers have added up.

What is the USP of cultX?

cultX wants to make your workout easier. It wants to make the process easy in various aspects of fitness like accessibility, comfort, and time. Most people have issues with the right workout time. So cultX solves these issues with its range of home fitness equipment to make it work out eventually.

cultX’s vision is not to just sell but guide the users through workout hacks, live sessions, immersive workout regime and variety of workouts to make fitness fun and exciting. It also has trainers who help the users become acquainted with workouts and eventually become a pro. So, cultX does not believe in products alone but also tries delivering experiences and training that are fun.


How has been the entrepreneurial journey since the launch of CultX.fit?

cultX.fit has been a significant step in my entrepreneurial journey. There always was a strong synergy between cult and tread that has come together to present one of the most innovative bikes in the Industry. It feels nice seeing contributing to the wellness of people. Having said that, the learning curve continues, and there is always something to unlearn and relearn because the trends are changing so quickly.


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