Here are 5 Tricks To Get Better Google Search Results

Searching Using Synonyms of the Keyword
To get better search results, use synonyms of the keyword you are searching for as it is a good option. All you need to type on the search engine is put the keyword you are searching information for, enter “~” symbol and type the synonym. Example: type Healthy~Food, and you’ll get information about principles of healthy eating, cooking recipes, and other related stuff.

Use Asterisk Sign
In case you’re not able to remember a word, the “*” symbol comes into play. Just use the asterisk symbol in the place of the word you are unable to remember, and click on the search option, Google will show the related result that you were looking for.

Enter Either This or That
Sometimes its happens that we often forget whether we are typing the correct keyword on the Google search engine. All that you can do is, enter option and put “or” and enter the option that you are confused with. Google will display the most appropriate result.

Searching for a Title or URL
In case one needs to find the keywords and name of an article, all that the user can do is just type “intitle:” before the term that you want to search for. Whereas, to find a URL enter “inurl:”.

Use a Time Frame
Sometimes we forget when an event occurred. In such a situation, you can simply add a time frame to your search query with the help of three dots between the dates such as 1900…2000.
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