Summer is upon us and that calls for quick, “handy” meals that we can eat wherever summer takes us! Whether...
If you’re looking for last-minute Thanksgiving recipes, look no further than this recipe for Cranberry-Glazed Turkey Thighs with Swiss Chard...
I hope everyone’s Fourth of July weekend is going amazing! Adrian and I have been grilling up a storm and...
If you want a recipe that just screams summer, look no further than this spicy Cajun shrimp boil with sweet...
Note: This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxxThis past week, we cooked up a storm in the Diet Assassinista kitchen! From...
Ropa Vieja with Australian Grassfed Flank SteakTime: 45 MinutesServes: 6-8Ingredients1 ½ lbs Australian grassfed flank steak1 ½ tsp kosher salt½...
Australian Grassfed Steak Tacos Time: 30 Minutes + Dry Brining (optional)Serves 4 Ingredients2 Australian grassfed strip steaks, about 1 ½...